Was ist neu in der Firmware-Version 20210302-1328-77d0cd8 für myQA Daily und MatriXX Resolution?
Hier sind die wichtigsten Änderungen der neuen Firmware-Version:
Version 20210302-1328-77d0cd8
Gelöste Fehler:
- Value for certain sensor not in range
- Handling of broken channels
- Bluetooth issues
- Login to myQA Daily Web interface fails with Mozilla Firefox
- Large logfiles fail to download
- Beam detection threshold validation
- Factory calibration data protected with a checksum
- Canceled automatic background measurement value is added to next immediate measurement
- Option to configure the pre/post-trigger frames not implemented
Neue Funktionalität:
- Support for FAN sensors
- Support for fixed voltage HV module
- Support for MatriXX Resolution
- Support for GRPC
- Support for Bluetooth Gantry Angle Support for MatriXX Resolution
- WLAN RSSI Sensor
- New sensor indicating via which interface the client is connecting
- Config button only resets network configuration
- Default HV configurable and change default value to 500 V
- Measurement parameter configuration
- Use detector definition according to device type
- Definition of detectors used for beam detection
- HV configuration via Hermes