There are two tabs under the Common Settings > Measurement Preferences:
Scan Preferences
Scan Region Setup
Scan Preferences
Click Common settings > Measurement Preferences > Scan Preferences, the corresponding window opens:
Figure 1. Common settings - Equipment setup - Measurement Preferences - Scan Preferences
- Select the necessary parameters or enter the parameter values.
The parameter descriptions are provided in Section 3.2.1, myQA Accept Reference Guide
Scan Region Setup
In Scan Regions Setup, you can define different Point Steps, Speed Steps and Scan Steps within one measurement. This may be useful, e.g., for profiles, scanning more steps in the penumbra region, or increasing the scanning speed and the step width in the flat region to obtained more precise curve in less time.
The Scan Regions can be also defined in the Queue Setup, under Scan settings.
Defining Scan Regions contain relative values and correspond to the selected field size, Radiation Type and the Dmax.
- Click Common settings > Equipment setup > Measurement Preferences > Scan Region Setup, the corresponding window opens:
Depending on the measurements, three types of scan regions setups are arranged in three groups in the window. See Section 3.2.2, myQA Accept Reference Guide, for these scan regions groups.
Setting up Point Steps
Representative for the three different Scan regions which can be defined, the Point Step Setup is going to be described in detail. For the Speed Step and Scan Step set up, please refer to this description due to absolute similar handling.
Create a new Point Steps setup template:
- Click the New button on the right side.
- In the Templates drop down field you will find a predefined name PointSteps_0, which can be edited any time. The Delete button deletes the selected Template.
- Select the Scan type which defines a template for Profiles or Depth Doses.
Only in case of Depth Doses, you need to define the Radiation type and the Energy in MeV (electron) or MV (photon). For profiles it is not possible and not necessary.
For Depth Doses it is also necessary to define the Dmax matching to the selected Energy.
Import a template:
There is the possibility to import templates. This is useful in the case of a blank (newly installed) system to import from another system to save time.
- Click the Import from file button. A window opens to search for the template file (*.tpl).
- Select the correct file and confirm with the Open button. The template is now availabl
Save a template:
- To save a template, select it from the Templates drop down list and press the Export to file button.
- A standard File Save window is displayed where you can save the template file to any destination.
Define the Scan Regions:
- Next, define the Scan Regions for the different Step sizes.
- Click the Add button. A new region border has been added in the middle at 0%.
- Click the Step field and enter the step size for the region. Click Enter to confirm.
- Enter the desired number of regions.
Adjust the scan region:
- Move the arrow over the scan region illustration. The arrow becomes a double cursor (1) and can be used to adjust the scan area. Click and hold a scan border to drag it to the desired position.
- To make the scan area symmetric, simply select the Symmetric check box (2) and the right border line will be updated to match the left line.