The Calculations function in myQA Accept allows you to generate tables for Profile vs. Field Size, Profile vs. Depth, Depth Dose vs. Field Size, and TPR / TMR Calculation. User defined table definitions are created as described below.
A table definition contains information about the field sizes, the depth resolution and normalization depth that you want to display. The field sizes can either be the same as for the curves or can be interpolated. Once the tables have been calculated and are displayed on the screen, you can choose to print them out, or save them in a file.
Profile vs. Field Size Table
The Templates field (1) is dedicated for defining template names, copying templates, or deleting them.
- Start by clicking the Create new button. A new template will be created called Custom_0. Below you can enter any name for the template you want. After entering a new name in the field left besides the Change name button, confirm by pressing the button.
- Clicking the Copy selected button will copy the selected template with all the entered settings. The settings can be modified according to your needs.
Delete selected is going to delete the selected template only, whereas Delete all deletes the complete list of templates. Even if the customized template is saved internally you can export or import it pressing the Export from file or Import from file buttons. This enables you to exchange the template with another myQA Accept installation.
In the Comment: field, enter any comment if you wish to describe the template.
The parameters defined In the Details section (2):
Resolution: enter the resolution that the table will display.
Renormalization: choose either “No renormalization” or “Renormalize CAX to 100%” to the table data
Square field sizes: define square field sizes in the table.
There are two ways to do this: select Single, enter a field size into the Start box, and then click the Add button; repeat the same procedure to add the next field size. Alternatively, select Multiple, enter the smallest field size (Start), the largest field size (Stop), and the increment between adjacent field sizes (Increment) in the corresponding boxes, and then click Add.
To delete one field size, select a field and click Remove.
Include source data in the table: checkmark this box, the source data is also included in the table.
Profile vs. Depth Table
The Templates field (1) is dedicated for defining template names, copying templates, or deleting them.
- Start by clicking the Create new button. A new template will be created called Custom_0. Below you can enter any name for the template you want. After entering a new name in the field left besides the Change name button, confirm by clicking the button.
- Clicking the Copy selected button will copy the selected template with all the entered settings. The settings can be modified according to your needs.
Delete selected is going to delete the selected template only, whereas Delete all deletes the complete list of templates. Even if the customized template is saved internally you can export or import it clicking the Export from file or Import from file buttons. This enables you to exchange the template with another myQA Accept installation.
In the Comment: field enter any comment if you wish to describe the template.
The parameters defined In the Details section (2):
Resolution: enter the resolution which the table shall display.
Renormalization: choose either “No renormalization” or “Renormalize CAX to 100%” to the table data
Square field sizes: define square field sizes in the table.
There are two ways to do this: select Single, enter a field size into the Start box, and then click the Add button; repeat the same procedure to add the next field size. Or select Multiple, enter the smallest field size (Start), largest field size (Stop), and the increment between adjacent field sizes (Increment) in the corresponding boxes, and then click Add.
To delete one field size, select a field and click Remove.
Include source data in the table: checkmark this box, the source data is also included in the table.
Depth Dose vs. Field Size Table
The Templates field (1) is dedicated for defining template names, copying templates, or deleting them.
Start by pressing the Create new button. A new template will be created called Custom_0. Below you can enter any name for the template you want. After entering a new name in the field left besides the Change name button, confirm by pressing the button.
Pressing the Copy selected button will copy the selected template with all the entered settings. The settings can be modified according to your needs.
Delete selected is going to delete the selected template only, whereas Delete all deletes the complete list of templates. Even if the customized template is saved internally, you can export or import it pressing the Export from file or Import from file buttons. This enables you to exchange the template with another myQA Accept installation.
In the Comment: enter any comment if you wish to describe the template.
The parameters defined In the Details section (2):
Resolution: enter the resolution which the table shall display.
Renormalization: choose either “No renormalization” or “Renormalize to user defined depth” to the table data. If “Renormalize to user defined depth” is chosen, enter the Renormalization depth.
Square field sizes: define square field sizes in the table.
There are two ways to do this: select Single, enter a field size into the Start box, and then click the Add button; repeat the same procedure to add the next field size. Or select Multiple, enter the smallest field size (Start), the largest field size (Stop), and the increment between adjacent field sizes (Increment) in the corresponding boxes, and then click Add.
To delete one field size, select a field and click Remove.
Include source data in the table: checkmark this box, the source data is also included in the table
TPR / TMR Calculation
When performing isocentric treatments, there is a special interest in TPR (Tissue Phantom Ratio at a depth for a square field of dimension) curve / TMR (Tissue Maximum Ratio at a depth for a square field of dimension) curves. The TPR/TMR Calculation calculates TPR / TMR curves from measured PDD curves.
The smallest field size for which a TPR / TMR curve can be calculated is always larger than the smallest field sizes of the original PDD curves.
In the Templates field (1), you can define TPR /TMR calculation template names, copy templates or delete them:
- By clicking Create new, a new template called "Custom_0" will be created.
- Select a template name in the list, in the example here: "Custom_0", this name also appears in the Change name box under the list. You can edit the name, and then click Change name.
- Select a template in the list under Selected template, you can edit its settings in the Calculation Details field.
Delete selected is going to delete the selected template only, whereas Delete all deletes the complete list of templates. Even if the customized template is saved internally, you can export or import it pressing the Export from file or Import from file buttons. This enables you to exchange the template with another myQA Accept installation.
In the Comment field: you may enter a comment to describe the template.
In the Calculation Details field (2):
Select TPR or TMR in the Conversion Type box for the displayed curves.
Define the Resolution for the displayed TPR / TMR curves.
In Renormalization at, select either Renormalize to Dmax of the curves or Renormalize to user defined depth. In the latter case, type in the desired depth in mm in the Depth box below.
In SSD type, select either SSD from the source data or User defined SSD value. In the latter case, type in the desired SSD in mm in the SSD box below.
In the Square field sizes, you have two ways to define the field size:
Select Single, enter a field size into the Start box, and then click the Add button; repeat the same procedure to add the next field size. Or select Multiple, enter the smallest field size (Start), the largest field size (Stop), and the increment between adjacent field sizes (Increment) in the corresponding boxes, and then click Add.
Select a field size in the table and press Remove, the selected field size is deleted.
If Include source data is check-marked, the source data will be also displayed.
In Conversion table, you can select the calculation based on BJR Supplement No. 17 or 25, 1996 [20, 21], or a user defined table.
If Custom is selected, the Edit… button becomes enabled. Click this Edit… button, The Custom Conversion Table window opens.
The custom table is based on the BJR 17 (clicking the BJR 17 button) or 25 (clicking the BJR 25 button) conversion table. You can edit the table using the buttons on the upper-right side or modified the individual cell. Clicking Reset in the lower-left corner will reset to the original table.
Ionization to Dose Conversion
This workspace is designated to define the settings for the relative ionization to relative dose conversion used for the electron depth dose scans in the SMARTSCAN wizard where the all settings need to be defined before starting the measurement workflow.
In the SMARTSCAN wizard, the relative ionization of the electron depth dose scans will be automatically converted to relative dose. The numerical analysis is then calculated on the converted curves. However, both raw and converted data are stored and can be accessed in the myQA Accept core.
- In the Protocol group, click the dropdown list and select a protocol that will be applied for the conversion. For certain protocols, the mean energy, E0, of the electron beam at the surface of the phantom is used. User can enter this parameter by selecting the User defined E0 box.
- For normalizing the data, select Normalize to 100% at DMax in the Normalization group. Otherwise the data will not be normalized.
- For some protocols, the perturbation correction group is enabled. To use this correction, select the Use perturbation correction box and then enter the detector in the Detector group for correction.