What steps should I take to troubleshoot axis movement problems with BP2/SMARTSCAN?
If the X rail of BP2/SMARTSCAN is not moving while the Y and Z rails are functioning properly, please follow these troubleshooting steps:
Step 1
Visually inspect the pins of the drive control cable and connection box, and share pictures with us for verification.
If they appear to be in good condition, check the coordinates of all three axes on the remote control.
Step 2
When you power on the CCU, you have a few seconds to gently move the rails manually. If the X rail does not move while Y and Z move, check the CCU LED light status.
If the CCU shows a solid RED light, reset the CCU by holding the reset button for 10 seconds. If the light is blinking RED, it indicates normal operation (warm-up).
Why is the red error light flashing on my Common Control Unit (CCU)?
Step 3
Re-zero the axis by following the instructions here:
How to perform the initial zero positioning with the BluePhantom2 / SMARTSCAN Phantom?
Step 4
First, remove the motor from the rail to see if it moves. If there is no movement, attempt to move the carriage manually. If it is difficult to move and tends to bounce in the center of the rail, check the coordinates of X on the remote control.
Swap the connectors for X (motor and sensor) and Y in the connection box. If moving the joystick for X results in movement in the Y rail, but moving Y does not produce any response, this indicates an issue with the motor of the X-rail.