When you login the myQA Daily in the first time, the software will ask you to change the password by yourself, how to retrieve my password if I forget it?
If you forget the password you need to reset the password by using the database file which is named dqa.db located at C:\ProgramData\IBA Dosimetry\myQA Daily\dqa.db
please following the steps:
step 1
first you need to download the database edit tool named SQLite, reference linking
setp 2
use this SQLite tool to open the dqa.db file, located at C:\ProgramData\IBA Dosimetry\myQA Daily\dqa.db
step 3
then you click 'browse data' to select the 'user', you will find the password of all accounts. please to change the PasswordHash and PssswordSalt value of admin like this,
then click 'Apply' and 'Write changes' to save the database file.
step 4
now your password of admin is set to initial password 'Pa$$word1' , you can use it to login.