How to install a License Server when using myQA with Citrix?
A License Server can be installed without the need of installing myQA itself.
Step 1 to 4 describe the installation of the License Server in the same network (reachable by UDP):
Step 1
Download the attached zip file
Step 2
Unzip to an arbitrary folder.
Step 3
Execute InstallHaspAccept.bat as Windows administrator.
Step 4
Use IBA License Manager to activate the licenses.
If needed, one can download it here: IBALicenseManager.exe.
If the installation of the License Server shall be done in a different network as Citrix myQA (not reachable by UDP):
Step 5
Perform Steps 1 to 4.
Step 6
Open http://localhost:1947/_int_/config_to.html in a web browser in the Citrix environment/installation.
Step 7
Add the server name of the License Server to "Remote License Search Parameters":