Can I edit existing language files or even create new language files for myQA PROactive?
Language files can be opened and edited using any text editor which supports .json language. An example is the editor Notepad++, which can be freely used under GNU General Public License
Language files can be found and need to be stored in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\IBA Dosimetry\myQA PROactive\wwwroot\assets\translations
The same directory can be reached by clicking on the myQA PROactive > translations directories icon in the Windows Start menu.
The simplest way to create a new language file is to save an existing one with a different name and edit it.
The detailed structure of the translation file can depend on your SW version.
Please mind: Both files (.json and .html) should be edited to have a full translation of the UI: .html is describing the info buttons, .json all the rest.
The following is a typical example of a translation file structure:
"translation key" (1): "translation value" (2),
When the application needs to display a certain text, it looks for its translation key, and display the
corresponding translation value. The translation value is what the user can translate and adapt.
When editing the translation value, take care to adhere to the following rules:
- placeholders for variables (3; within double curl brackets) cannot be edited or deleted.
- html tags (4; text withing angle brackets, or following "&") cannot be edited or deleted.
- If the user needs to use quotation marks, they must be preceded by a backslash ("\) (5).
Structure of a language file:
When a language file was edited or added, a refresh of the browser (e.g., F5) is necessary to activate the language. In some cases a browser cache refresh is needed (Ctrl+F5).