How can I import or export a risk analysis template for myQA PROactive?
Templates of myQA PROactive are stored in the native format *.proactive. It is an xml file which contains all the information of a risk analysis version. If a risk analysis version is exported in this format and then imported again, it generates a version with identical data. If the exported version was released, the imported version will be released as well.
This format is the recommended one to exchange data between myQA PROactive users.
The only possible difference between the exported and imported version is the version number, since the imported version will be always the version no.1 of a brand new risk analysis.
Never import data generated with a newer application version into an older version, otherwise data could be lost or corrupted. It is always possible to import a proactive file generated by an older application version. However, files generated with a newer version could contain new, unsupported features, and should be not imported. If one tries to do it, an error message (which can be overriden) is generated.