How to connect, view and browse to the PostgreSQL database?
Please note: Manipulating the database may result in breaking the software. IBA Dosimetry does not take responsibility in any manipulations or operations which are being performed on the PostgreSQL database.
After the installation of myQA iON and the PostgreSQL database there is a free tool available by default, which is called pgAdmin 4.
Here how to access it:
Step 1
Navigate to C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\pgAdmin 4\bin and run pgAdmin4.exe. This will open a browser which will connect to
Step 2
At first access you need to set a password for future access of pgAdmin 4.
Step 3
Then you can access the database server by clicking on "PostgreSQL 9.6". You need to enter the database password which was set during installation:
Step 4
Now you have all the possibilities available. For example you can see the tables when navigating to the tables via Databases > myqaion > Schemas > myqaion > Tables:
Step 5
If you want to see the rows of the table, right click on the table name and choose View/Edit Data > All Rows:
Step 6
By double clicking on the cell/value you can edit it:
Step 7
At the end changes can be saved by pressing F6 or clicking on "Save Data Changes":