The new version of myQA iON 2.1 incorporates added features and clinical workflow enhancements, driven by valuable customer feedback. Also, this update includes cybersecurity enhancement.
NEW for Linac-based Radiotherapy
✓ ScandiDos® Delta4 Phantom+ interfacing 3D measurements
✓ TomoTherapy® and Radixact® secondary dose check compatibility with Accuray
Precision® Treatment Planning System
NEW for Proton Therapy
✓ Customizable dose grid for independent MC: define a dose grid or use the CT grid
spacing for dose calculation.
✓ Robust OPG import for MatriXX measurement analysis.
✓ Support for multiple beams using the same BDL.
✓ Modify the “HU to densities” values to better account for material overrides.
Improved Functionality
✓ User-defined adjustable colormaps for dose difference visualization.
✓ Select and perform global or local gamma analysis on irradiation logs calculations.
✓ Summary and list of irradiation logs displayed in the patient list tab.
✓ Synchronize 3D viewer scrolling and cursor for the T-S-C Views in Viewer dialog.
✓ Analysis inclusion in PDF reports customized to your needs.