Click the Summary/Report tab to open this page. The scan results in the Measurement page are automatically saved. In the Summary/Report page, the number of scans represents the number of available measurements.
Measurements block
# in total: number of the sum of total measured scans in the Measurement page and the preliminary scans in the Baseline Measurements page cumulated in the project. These scans are available in myQA Accept core (not including the ones discarded by the Re-Measure Delete command).
# successful: total number of successful scans.
# Re-measured: total number of re-measured scans
# to be investigated: total number of out of tolerance, exceeding noise, and with invalid dose rate scans (including the ones deleted by the Re-Measure Delete command). Among them,
# out of tolerance: number of the out of tolerance scans
# with exceeding noise: number of suspicious scans with exceeding noise
# with >invalid dose rate: number of suspicious scans with invalid dose rate
Queue Items block
# in total: the total number of measurable queue items
# not measured: the number the measurable queue items that are not measured
Baseline Measurements block
Status of the CAX checks performed in the latest measurement
Failed CAX checks in the latest measurement which were accepted by the user
Failed preliminary scans
Note that if the preliminary scans were not passed or aborted and the user clicks the Accept result button, the display in only shows that the preliminary scans were failed and accepted by the user. It does not differentiate whether preliminary scans were failed but results accepted; or aborted (thus no results) but accepted.
Overview pie chart
The pie chart displays the percentages of the following types of scans to the sum of numbers of the successful, re-measured, and to be investigated scans:
Successful measured,
Not measured,
Out of tolerance,
Percentage of a scan type = number of scan of this type / (number of successful measured scans + number of re-measured scans + number of scans to be investigated)