- By clicking the Common Settings icon,
, in the Tasks navigation panel, the Common Settings page opens.
On the right side of the navigation panel, select the desired parameter category and then select a sub-category, this group of parameters are displayed.
It can be also done by clicking the Common Settings menu, selecting the desired parameter category and finally a sub-menu.
The Common Settings page can be opened with the Common Settings menu on any other Tasks page.
Under Common Settings - Equipment Setup, there are the following setting pages:
- Clinic
- Radiation Devices
- Controllers
- Servos / Scanners
- Detectors
Common used button: New, Edit, Copy, and Delete
Button |
Function |
New |
Click this button to create a new item. |
Edit |
Change an item. |
Copy |
Select an item from the list, then click the copy button; a copy of this item including its parameters is created. |
Delete |
Click to select an item from the list, and then press the Delete button. This item and all of its corresponding entries are deleted. |
For the actions in the table, the Undo or Redo buttons can be applied.
Click the Equipment - Clinic, and then enter the contract information into the relevant field.
Devices with Controller:
Both the Common Control Unit (CCU) and the emXX Electrometer (emXX) for the LDA 99/LDA99-SC consist of a controller and an electrometer.
The controller in the CCU controls both the movement of the servo and the electrometer in itself whereas the controller in the emXX only controls the electrometer in the emXX. Therefore, the LDA 99/LDA99-SC requires the controller in the emXX for the measurement and the controller in the CCU for the detector movement.
Connecting the device to myQA Accept:
- Click the Equipment > Controllers to open the Controllers dialog. It consists of the Controller group and the Electrometer group.
- To connect the device to the SW, select to highlight the device in the list. See an example in the screenshot below (1).
Controller Group:
Device with the same subnet as the host PC
Only when the CCU device is online (power on and connected to the network) and has the same subnet as the myQA Accept host PC, it can be "seen" (connected) by the myQA Accept software and therefore is listed in the Controller group, and once the CCU is selected, its serial number and IP address will be displayed in the corresponding boxes automatically.
After defining the CCU controller, click this CCU displayed under Controller address to complete the setup.
CCU manual connection
If the SW cannot receive the CCU broadcasting, or the CCU subnet is not on same subnet as the host PC, or the CCU is not online, you can only connect it to the myQA Accept manually:
- Click New
- Enter the serial number, IP address, and port number in the Manual Controller Parameters dialog.
Click OK.
Electrometer Group:
In the Electrometer group, you can define the controller of the emXX electrometer. You can connect the controller of the emXX of the diode array LDA-99 / LDA-99SC to the software. Once the emXX is selected, its serial number and IP address will be displayed in the corresponding boxes automatically
Connecting the controller of emXX, a second network connection (RJ-45) is required. Alternatively, use an Ethernet switch.
After defining the CCU controller, click this emXX displayed under Electrometer address to complete the setup.
XX Setup
The XXSetup program is a tool for changing the IP address and updating the firmware of the controller
It is recommended that the local IT administrator is consulted before connecting the CCU to the local network.
It is recommended to write down the IP address and the Network mask used to connect the CCU to the network. This information is required to establish a direct connection to the PC.
Add the XXSetup tool to the list of applications for which access to the network is granted.
Open XXSetup
- Establish a direct connection to the PC and the CCU using the delivered cross cable.
- Start XXSetup by pressing the Windows Start button and then choosing All programs > IBA Dosimetry > myQA Accept > XXSetup.
- After selecting the XXSetup, you are asked whether you want to connect to the device. Confirm by clicking the Yes button. The XXSetup window opens.
Change the IP Address of the CCU
In some cases it is necessary to change the IP address of the CCU controller in order to connect it to the clinical network.
- Click the Change button in the XX setup window shown above. The label of this button becomes Apply changes.
Enter the IP address and the Network mask obtained from your IT department. Click Apply changes to confirm the changes.
If using Gateways to connect the CCU to a network, click the Advanced… button.
Press the Advanced… button in the Device network interface group to open the Gateway settings.
Enter the gateway information provided by your IT administrator.
IP Address: Enter the IP address of the gateway at the CCU side.
IP Network: Enter the IP address of the gateway at the PC side.
Network mask: Enter the network mask of the network on the PC side
- Click Apply changes, and when prompted, restart the CCU.
- Close the XX setup tool.
- Remove the direct connection cable between the PC and the CCU and connect both the PC and the CCU to the network.
- Restore the original network configuration for your computer (the one used before the direct connection to the CCU was established).
Update Firmware
To change the firmware of the CCU,
Click the Update firmware… button in the Device info group of the XX setup window.
A window opens, asking to search for and open the firmware (*.bin) file.
- Select the correct file, and then click the open button.
Follow the instructions on the screen to finish the firmware update.
Servos / Scanners
In the Measurement Device group, select the devices that will be in use from the drop-down list and click the Install button. The devices will appear in the Installed Devices. The selected device in the list of Installed Devices will be the one used by default.
Water Correction Depthwill be displayed automatically according to the chosen device in the Installed Devices box. It is used to compensate the measurement depth for the rise of the water surface (1) due to submerge of the motors.
1: Motor, 2: Detector, 3: Water surfaceIf d ≤ w: correction = d * c/10000,
If d > w: correction = w * c/10000,
- w: the distance from the top of the motor to the detector position.
- d: the distance from the water surface to the detector position.
- c: the water correction factor determined by the area of the selected phantom. It is stored in the device template.
Once the water surface position is saved, automatically, the water correctionwill be calculated, and the depth position will be compensated.
For Blue Phantom Helix, water correction factor is only valid when using designated detector holders.
- In the Device Turn Angle group, you can define the orientation of the servo / scanner placement under the accelerator. It is important not to interchange the crossline direction with the inline direction.
To define the detectors, click Equipment > Detectors to open the Detectors page. It contains five groups: Installation, Calibration, Effective Point of Measurement and Geometry.
The use of the Stealth chamber is only recommended for energies between 6 and 10MV, and for field sizes up to 150 mm × 150 mm.
Installation group (1)
The SW provides a set of detector templates. The template contains the some properties of a detector (see the table below) that cannot be edited but for display (1a).
The table below lists the detector properties related to the in myQA Accept core and SMARTSCAN wizard applications.
Name |
Electron support |
Field /Ref. Detector |
Recommended Field Size (mm) |
Identifier |
Input mode |
SMARTSCAN compatible |
Electrons & SMARTSCAN |
SMARTSCAN scan limit (mm) |
CC 04 | yes | yes / yes | 50 - 400 | CC_04 | Floated | yes | Yes | > 50 |
CC 08 | yes | yes / yes | 0 - 400 | CC_08 | Floated | no | - | - |
CC 13 | yes | yes / yes | 50 – 400 | CC_13 | Floated | yes | yes | > 50 |
CC 13-S | yes | yes / yes | 0 - 400 | CC_13S | Grounded | no | - | - |
CC25 | yes | yes / yes | 100 - 400 | CC_25 | Floated | no | - | - |
EFD3G | yes | yes / yes | 0 - 400 | EFD3G | Grounded | yes | yes | Full range |
FC23-C | yes | yes / no | 100 - 400 | FC_23-C | Floated | no | - | - |
FC 65-X | yes | yes / no | 100 - 400 | FC_65-X | Floated | no | - | - |
LDA99 | no | yes / no | 50 – 400 | LDA-99 | Undefined | no | - | - |
LDA99SC | no | yes / no | 50 – 400 | LDA-99SC | Undefined | no | - | - |
NACP | yes | yes / no | 10 - 400 | NACP | Floated | no | - | - |
PFD3G | no | yes / no | 0 - 400 | PFD3G | Grounded | yes | no | Full range |
PPC 05 | yes | yes / no | 10 - 400 | PPC_05 | Floated | yes | yes | Full range |
PPC 40 | yes | yes / no | 50 – 400 | PPC_40 | Floated | yes | yes | > 50 |
RazorChamber | yes | yes / no | 0 - 150 | RazorChamber | Floated | yes | yes | < 50 |
Razor Diode | yes | yes / no | 0 - 50 | RazorDiode | Grounded | yes | yes | < 50 |
Razor Nano | no | yes / no | 0 - 150 | RazorDiode | Grounded | no | - | - |
RFD3G | yes | no / yes | 0 - 400 | RFD3G | Grounded | yes | yes | Full range |
RIO3G | no | no / yes | 0 - 400 | RIO3G | Grounded | no | - | - |
SCX-WD DD | yes | yes / no | 0 - 400 | SCX-WD_DD | Undefined | no | - | - |
SFD3G | yes | yes / no | 0 - 150 | SFD3G | Grounded | yes | yes | < 50 |
Stealth | no | no / yes | 0 - 200 | Stealth | Floated | yes | no | < 150 |
Stingray | yes | yes / no | 0 - 400 | Stingray | Floated | no | - | - |
Procedure to install a detector in the SW:
- Chose a detector from the Templates dropdown box, e.g., a CC13 is selected. If the detector is not in the Templates, select a similar one and then edit it as needed.
Click New Detector. The Create new Detector - Effective Point of Measurement dialog opens:
Important Notice: Depth Correction
Due to the geometry of chambers, enter the depth correction with negative value for a cylindrical chamber and a positive value for parallel plate chamber, diode or diamond detector.
Option 1: Depth correction
Depth correction is selected if a depth deviation in measurements due to the geometric characteristics of a detector should be corrected. The correction is based on the value of effective point of measurement, Peff:
- Select Depth correction.
- Select one or more beam types to which the correction will be applied. The default depth correction for the beam type and the class of this chamber are automatically displayed. They can be edited by entering a new value in the corresponding box.
- Enter a negative value for a cylindrical chamber and a positive value for a parallel plate chamber, diode or diamond detector.
For cylindrical chambers and electron and photon beams, the default values are calculated as:
- Electrons: Depth correction = -0.5*r (electrons),
- Photons: Depth correction = -0.6*r (photons),
where r is the radius of the cylindrical chamber.
By clicking the Default button, the value will be reset to the default value.
By placing the mouse on the Info button
, the formula for calculating the correction value will be displayed. For other type of detectors and electron and photon beams, no formula available in the software.
For all detector types with protons, and diodes/diamond detectors with photons/electrons, the default value is set to 0. No formula in provided in the software.
Option 2: No correction
If no correction should be applied, select No correction.
- Click Create Detector. The detector will be added to the Installed Detectors list. The information of depth correction due to Effective Point of Measurement will be displayed in the Effective Point of Measurement group on the right-side.
- Edit the name of the detectors or delete detectors in the Installed Detectors list using the Edit and Delete buttons.
- If needed, select a reference detector from the list in the Reference Detector field.
Voltages group (2)
The Voltage section provides a predefined Default Bias Voltage and a Maximum Bias Voltage according to the selection in the Installation. However, it can be edited any time. However, when performing controller setup, the default value will be taken automatically for the selected detector.
Calibration group (3)
Enter the calibration parameters of the detector from the calibration protocol or certificate. This entry is mandatory for absolute measurements but not for relative measurements.
Effective Point of Measurement group (4)
For editing the parameters here, see description of the Create new Detector - Effective Point of Measurement dialog under the section of Installation (1) above for instructions.
Geometry group (5)
The Geometry group is a supplement to the Depth correction defined under Effective Point of Measurement (see description above). The parameters in the Geometry group are automaticallyset to the default values if the detector is selected in the Templates and is used at gantry 0°. They need to be edited when the detector (including those in or not in the Templates) is used for measurements at gantry 90° or 270°.
Radius: Detector inner radius
Water Correction Depth: WET (Water Equivalent Thickness) of the wall thickness (1) plus the water distance between the inner wall and the detector top (2)