The profiles measured and saved into the database in myQA FastTrack and the ones measured in myQA
Machines are automatically listed on the Data Import page on the corresponding machine.
The profiles in the following formats can be imported into the Data Import page:
- IBA *.opab - myQA Accept standard format.
- IBA *.opax – file format exported from OmniPro-Accept 7.x to myQA Accept
- IBA *.opg - ASCII format of OmniPro-IMRT / OmniPro-Advance family
- PTW *.mcc – MCC format of PTW
- SunNuclear *.snctxt - snctxt format of SunNuclear
- IBA *.asc - ASCII format of OmniPro-Accept 6.X family
The profiles listed on the Data Import page can be selected for comparison. The comparison can be
performed in the Compare page.
When importing a non-IBA data file, please ensure that the imported information
is correct. Select an imported file on the list in the main area, and then check its
imported information in the right panel.
Data Import Ribbon and Context Menu
Select one or some profiles, and then right-click anywhere, the context menu opens.
myQA Platform - Data Import page, 1: Data Import ribbon, 2: Data file context menu, 3: Detailed
information of the selected profiles
Table 3.2. Description on the Test Setup ribbon
Group | Icon name /item in context menu |
Description |
Locations | Clinics* | Opens a list of clinics for selection. Only the clinics assigned to the current user are in the list. Only the profiles of the selected clinic are displayed. |
Data | Import* | Imports *.opab, *.opax, *.opg, *.mcc, *.snctxt, and *.asc files (see Section 3.3.2). |
Comparison | Add to comparison |
Adds the selected profiles to the Compare page and labels these profiles with icon |
Add and switch to comparison | Adds the selected profiles to the Compare page, labels these profiles with icon in the Data import page, and opens the Compare page. |
Clear selected | Removes the select the profiles from the Compare page. | |
Clear all | Removes all profiles in the Compare page. | |
Clear all |
Deletes the selected profiles in the Data import page. |
*Not available in the context menu.
Profile Information Display
If only one profile is selected, all parameters and graph will be displayed in the right panel. If two or more
profiles are selected, all graphics are displayed together, but only the parameters which are the same for
all selected profiles are displayed.
Import OmniPro-Accept or myQA Accept Data
Be aware that the imported data will be assigned to the selected machine and can only be used for this machine in the myQA Machines workspace
- Select a machine in the device tree view panel to which the profiles will be assigned.
- Click the Import button in the ribbon.
- Browse and select the file(s) to be imported and then click the Open button in the Open dialog.
- In the Browse for items dialog, select the profiles to be imported by selecting the checkbox in the
Select column and then click the Import button. - Before the selected profiles will be imported, the Finish import dialog opens. Click Ok (1) to close the dialog.
- The report can be copied to clipboard by clicking Copy report to Clipboard (2). The imported files can be added a tag by entering the text in the Tag box (3) for any comments for the imported files.
To view detailed information of a profile
- Click on anywhere on the row to highlight it
To edit the information of a profile
- click the Edit button (afterwards it becomes Cancel Edit), edit the parameters as needed in the rightside, and then click the Apply button
In this page, the profiles previously added from the Data Import page can be displayed and compared.
Note: Currently the Compare page is only available for RT applications (i.e., photons and
Compare page – 1: Profile Comparison ribbon, 2: profile parameter table, 3a: graphical display of profiles including legend and cursor reading on the right, 3b: comparison graphical display of results including legend and cursor reading on the right.
3.4.1. Profile Comparison Ribbon
Table 3.3. Functions in the Profile Comparison ribbon
Group | Icon name | description |
Analysis | Photon Electron |
Provides a list of photon (1) or electron (2) beam analysis protocols for analysis (see myQA Platform Reference Guide for detailed information on each protocol): |
Tolerances | Warning | For entering the tolerance warning level in percentage for all profiles. |
Error | For entering the tolerance error level for all profiles. | |
Comparison | Set as reference | Sets the selected profile as reference for the comparison. |
Show profiles | Show all | Displays all profiles graphically if the number of the profiles is 64 or less. If there are more than 64 profiles, only the first 64 are displayed. |
Show selected | Displays the highlighted profiles. If more than 64 profiles are selected, only the first 64 profiles are displayed graphically. |
Hide all | Hides all profiles. | |
Hide selected | ides the highlighted profiles. | |
Clear all | Deletes all profiles in the Compare page. | |
View | Properties | Displays parameters of general properties in the profile parameter table. |
Analysis | Displays parameters calculated with the selected protocol in the profile parameter table. |
Math Results (rel.) |
Displays relative error of all profiles if a profile is set as a reference in the profile parameter table. |
Math Results (abs.) |
Displays absolute error of all profiles if one profile is set as a reference in the profile parameter table. |
Comparison Chart |
If it is selected, the error curve can be displayed. Only when one profile is set as a reference and only one profile is selected for comparison, the error curve of the selected profile vs the reference profile will be displayed under the profile chart. |
Visualization* |
CAX average | Normalizes a displayed profile to the CAX average value which is the average value at the CAX position of all displayed profiles. |
Max value | Normalizes a displayed profile to the maximum value which is the maximum value of displayed profiles in the list. |
Options | Rescale all | Projects all profiles to SAD (Source Axis Distance) for the profiles that are not measured at iso-center, e.g., the profiles measured with the Dolphin at SDD (Source Detector Distance). The xcoordinates of profiles are rescaled with the following algorithm: |
x = x / SDD * SAD The y-coordinates, i.e. the signals remain the same. |
*Only for the displayed profile curves.
Profile Parameter Table
All profiles added from the Data Import page are listed in this table. The parameters are grouped into four groups: Properties, Analysis, Math Results (rel.), and Math Results (abs.). The group of parameters will be displayed when it is selected in the ribbon (see the View group in the table above).
Table 3.4. Profile parameters in the Compare page
Parameter group | Parameters (columns) in group |
(No group is selected) | Ref: shows if the profile is set to reference. Show: if selected, the profile curve is displayed. Machine: name of the machine used for measurement Name: name of the profile. |
Properties | Properties of measurements (if applicable): Date (date of measurement), Field size, Radiation type, Energy, Direction (profile direction), SSD, Source (data source – the SW used for measurement), Device (measurement device) |
Analysis* | Analysis parameters (if applicable): FW, CAX, PenL (Penumbra left), PenR (Penumbra right), Sym (symmetry), Flat A (Flatness A), Flat B (Flatness B), Dev (deviation), Inf L (inflection left) and Inf R (inflection right). |
Math Results (rel.) | Displays relative errors of the analysis parameters of all profiles if one profile is set as a reference in the profile parameter table |
Math Results (abs.) | Displays absolute errors of the analysis parameters of all profiles if one profile is set as a reference in the profile parameter table. |
* Analysis parameters are protocol dependent. See Chapter 5, myQA Platform Reference Guide, for these
parameter definitions.
Set reference profile
Select a profile that was not set as reference, right-click, and then select Set as reference in the context menu or click Set as reference in the ribbon. A reference icon appears on the Ref column of this profile.
After a reference profile is defined, the relative deviations of other profiles with respect to the reference
profile are displayed. The cell colors indicate the tolerance results:
Green: passed, yellow: warning, red: failed.
Note: Only profiles that have the same radiation type (e.g. Photons, Electrons, Energies, etc.) can
be compared and will thus produce comparison results.
Display filter
By clicking the filter icon on the right of a column head cell, the Filter dialogue for this column will open.
The items of this column can be selected for display. The rest of the column will automatically update
accordingly. The icon color of the applied filter becomes orange.
There are two kinds of filters:
- Number filters: the numbers with exact format are used for filtering. It is more convenient to use the
range filters (IsLessThan / IsLessThanOrEqualTo / IsGreaterThan / IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo). The filter
containing “IsEqualTo” is only valid if the compete number is entered correctly. - Item-name filters: the rest of the columns use the names of items for filtering. The filters are free-text fields, i.e., part of the name can also be used for filtering.
Graphical Displays
Show profile curves
- In the profile parameter table, check the boxes in the Show column to display the corresponding profile
in the graphical display area. - Use the display options in the Show profiles group in the ribbon as desired:
- Show all – displays all profiles
- Show selected – displays profiles that are highlighted in the table
- Hide all – hides all profiles
- Hide selected – removes the displayed profiles that are highlighted in the table
- Clear all – Deletes all profiles in the Compare page.
Show result (error) curve
If Comparison Chart in the ribbon is select, one profile is set as a reference (4) and only one profile is
selected (5) for comparison in the profile parameter table, the deviation of the selected profile vs. the
reference profile is displayed.
Place the mouse-cursor on the vertical graphics-cursor in 3a or 3b, hold down the left mouse and drag
to the desired position, the signal value(s) of the cursor position will be shown in the expanded Readings
panel. The cursors in the profile and result displays are synchronized.
Display of tolerance for relative results
If Math Results (rel.) in the ribbon is selected and one profile is set as a reference in the profile parameter table, the comparison results are color coded to show their pass / warning / fail information in the profile parameter table (green: pass, yellow: warning, red: fail) for the given tolerances in the Tolerances group of the ribbon.
However, if the display of absolute results (Math Results (abs.)) is selected, this pass / warning / fail
information will not be shown in the profile parameter table.