How do I activate the Filestream Option for Compass in order to be able to import Patients?
Please follow these steps to switch on the Filestream Option:
Step 1
Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
Step 2
Right click on the SQL database instance which should be used and click Properties.
Step 3
In the dialogue box which opened go to Filestream and enable the Filestream Option (tick all three options).
The name under Windows share name has to be the name of the instance. In this case SQLExpress.
Step 4
Now the Filestream Option has to be turned on in the SQL DB. Therefore, open the SQL Management Studio and connect to the Compass Instance.
Step 5
Right click on the instance - Properties
Step 6
Go to Advanced Options and check that the File Stream Level is: Full Access enabled.
Step 7
Save the settings and restart the SQL Service - Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager - right click on the SQL Instance which was used press Restart.