How do I set up and perform general workflows for the myQA Machines Sphinx plugin?
Create a Sphinx Protocol Template
- In the Test Setup workspace, select your machine and click Edit in the ribbon.
- Click New in the ribbon and enter the name of the protocol template.
- Click New and enter the name of the task template.
- Click New and enter the name of the test template And then select Other in Category; Sphinx in Result Type
- Click Import *.PLD, browse for, select, and open the PLD file.
- In the Geometry group, edit the values according to the actual setup if necessary.
- Defining the test: for the Output and Couch Translation categories:
See below an example of the procedure for defining an Output test.
- Under Analysis, click the Output tab and then select Create New.
- Enter a name
- Enter the expected value and tolerance.
For the Energy, Homogeneity, Spot, and Coincidence categories:
See an example of the procedure for defining an Energy test:
- Select an energy by clicking the corresponding button.
- Under Analysis, click the Energy tab and then select Create New and define the OOI.
- Edit the name of the OOI (Object of Interest).
- Select a value of the used wedge in the dropdown list:
- Wedge Thickness: Thickness of the wedge used for the selected energy if Sphinx Compact is used. For the Sphinx V1, it is always 20 mm / 65 mm.
- Additional Thickness: It is only used with Sphinx V1.
- Enter expected values and tolerances in the table.
- Enter the measurement settings, start a measurement by clicking the Start button, and then check whether in image fits to the defined OOI; if not, the Rotation or Shift in the Geometry group may need to be adjusted.
- Repeat the above steps to define a test for another energy until all the desired energy tests are defined.
- Click OK.
- Click Set Active to activate the protocol for test run.
- In the Machine & Template panel, select the machine to be tested.
- Click From Template in the ribbon and then select the protocol template created above.
- Check the parameters for all tests. Edit them if necessary,
- While the protocol is selected, click Set Active in the ribbon.
- Click Save in the ribbon.
Performing daily PBS QA
Workflow 1: Performing measurement manually and analysis
- In Agenda, select the machine under Machines and task in the Active Tasks
- Under Measurement Devices, select the detector. Under Settings, click to connect, enter the measurement time and iris aperture (Sphinx V1) / gain (Sphinx Compact), and click to measure the background.
- Click to start measurements. After measurement finishes, analysis for the test categories, Energy, Homogeneity, Spot, and Coincidence, are automatically executed.
- Analysis for Output: click the Output tab, and then select the test and enter the output values measured with PPC05.
- Analysis for Couch Translation: click the Couch Translation tab, and then select the test and enter the actual values from the X-ray image analysis.
- Click the Save Lynx Image button to save the image in DICOM format if desired.
- Click the Finish button in the dialog and the Finish button ribbon.
Workflow 2: Loading an image for Analysis
- In Agenda, select the machine under Machines and task in the Active Tasks
- Click the Load Image Manually button and load the DICOM image.
- Click . Analysis for test categories, Energy, Homogeneity, Spot, and Coincidence, will be executed.
- Analysis for Output: click the Output tab, and then select the test and enter the output values measured with PPC05.
- Analysis for Couch Translation: click the Couch Translation tab, and then select the test and enter the actual values from the X-ray image analysis.
Workflow 3: Performing Automatic measurement and analysis
Note: this workflow is only for the IBA PT users with Proton Therapy System (PTS) version R11 and the communication between the Sphinx Plugin and the PTS must be established.
- In Test Run, select the machine under Machines and task in the Active Tasks
- Under Measurement Devices, select the detector. Under Settings, Click to connect, enter the measurement time and iris aperture (Sphinx V1) / gain (Sphinx Compact), and click to measure the background.
- Analysis for Energy, Homogeneity, Spot, Coincidence, and Couch Translation: click .
- Analysis for Output: click the Output tab, and then select the test and enter the output values measured with PPC05
- Click the Save Lynx Image button to save the image in DICOM format if desired.
- Click the Finish button in the dialog and the Finish button ribbon.
Setting up the PTS Communication
- Open the file, IBADos.CSP.Run.Shell.exe.config, in C:\Program Files (x86)\IBA Dosimetry\myQA with a text editor, e.g., Notepad, and move down to the line, “<add key="MQA_DOPA_Hostname" value="" />”
- Insert the address and the port of the PTS server inside the double quotation marks after “value=”, i.e., “<add key="MQA_DOPA_Hostname" value="" />”.
Example 1 – single PTS address: e.g., value=””
Example 2 – multiple PTS addresses: e.g., value="Room1=; Room2=" if the IP addresses of two treatment rooms need to be inserted.
- Click File > Save