How to deal with database time out in myQA Patients?
In case you are experiencing database time out issue when opening a patient in myQA Patients please carry out the following steps:
Step 1
Create a back-up of your database.
Step 2
Open the SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the correct instance.
Step 3
Right-click on the database and click New Query.
Step 4
Paste the following lines in the query field:
delete from dbo.APP_Lock; delete from dbo.APP_ApplicationLocks; delete from dbo.PV2D_LockOwner; delete from dbo.PV2D_LockData; |
Step 5
Start the process by clicking Execute
Shoudl the deletion function fail, please remove both command lines related to the dbo.PV2D_LockOwner and dbo.PV2D_LockData functions, and then execute with the two remaining code lines.
Step 6
Please try again to open a patient. In case it is still not working please try to use the Database Configuration Tool.