How do I update the licenses for an existing SciMoCa Installation?
Follow the directions below to update the licenses for the Dose Server and the Report Generator. Remember to turn OFF both processes via the Task Manager before updating the licenses.
Updating the SciMoCa dose calculator or Report Generator license in an existing installation should be done through the same license dialog as when the software was first installed. In order to get the license dialog to appear, you must first rename or delete the installed license file.
Step 1:
Updating the SciMoCa License
- The installed SciMoCa license file can be found at
C:\ProgramData\Radialogica\SciMoCa\Server\SciMoCaDoseServer.lic - Rename or delete this file.
- To get the SciMoCa license dialog to appear, navigate to C:\Program Files\Radialogica\SciMoCa\Server and double click on SciMoCa.DoseServer.exe
- Enter the new license key in the dialog and click Install
Step 2:
Updating the Report Generator License
- The installed report generator license file can be found at
C:\ProgramData\Radialogica\fullAccess\License.lic - Rename or delete this file.
- To get the report generator license dialog to appear, navigate to C:\Program Files\Radialogica\SciMoCa\fullAccess and double click on fullAccess.exe
- Enter the new license key in the dialog and click Install
Following the above steps will update the license information.