What are the needed files from the customer to generate a beam model and how long does it take?
The files needed are:
- Commissioning Beam Data – The beam data in CSV format of the following from the TPS
- Absolute Dosimetry
- Pristine Bragg Peaks
- Spot Profiles
- Scanners – Needed for each scanner
- HU to density table
- HU to material conversion table
- Anonymized Patients – Multiple test plans that will be used for the validation and fine tune of the beam model. It requires the complete set of DICOM files (CT images, RT Structures, RT Plan, RT Dose, and irradiation logs (optional).
- Patient plan with the use of range shifter
- Patient plan without using range shifter
- Patient plan with low energy beam
- Patient plan with high energy beam
- Patient plan (simple case)
- Patient plan (complex case)
- Machine physical parameters
- Range shifter information and focal distances from isocenter
Time needed for the beam model creation: At least 3 weeks after the requested files are received from the customer.