I want to view the profiles of my old measurements taken by MatriXX/Startrack/Dolphin in myQA Machines. Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible to view the old profiles, there are two ways to do it:
Option 1
Step 1
Go to MyQA Machines - Test Repository
Step 2
Select the test result you want, click the show chart button , you will see the profiles.
If you want to compare the profiles, click add to compare button
myQA will jump to the Compare window automatically.
Option 2
Step 1
Go to myQA Platform - Data import
Step 2
Select the Machine on the left, all profiles under this machine's name are listed.
Header information and profile will be displayed on the right.
If you also want to see the analysis results, right-click Add to the comparison.
Then go to the Compare window, the analysis results are there.