How do I disable the Bolus in SciMoCa?
All structures which are included in the DICOM structure set are considered for dose calculations in SciMoCa.
There are three possibilities to set the mass density to zero:
Plan Settings: For each plan the mass density can be se to zero, individually
After opening a plan, choose Plan Settings on the right:

Then you can set in Calculation Settings > ROI Density the density to 0 or 0.01 for the Bolus structure:

Then the structure will be considered accordingly in the re-calculation: This corresponds to "disabling" the Bolus.
Global Settings: For all plans the mass density can be se to zero
In the Global Settings > ROI > Add ROI the Bolus structure can be added with a pre-defined mass density, e.g. 0 or 0.01:
Permanent removal of density outside the client
If you want to disable the "Bolus" structure permanently outside the SciMoCa client, our service team can do the necessary configuration for you. Please contact us.