How to import water phantom scans to myQA Platform?
Please follow below steps to import water phantom scans to myQA Platform
Step 1
Run myQA, go to Data import
Step 2
Select a destination machine and click the Import button
Step 3
Select the scans and click Open
Step 4
You can have an overview of the scans in the window. If you see a warning mark in red or yellow in the Select column, that suggests some necessary information is missing. Please click the Edit button to add the missing parameter.
Step 5
Select the scans to be imported by selecting the checkbox in the Select column and then click the Import button. A Finish import window will jump out with a report. Click OK to complete the process.
Below format are supported in this function:
-IBA *.opab - myQA Accept standard format.
-IBA *.opax – file format exported from OmniPro-Accept 7.x to myQA Accept
-IBA *.opg - ASCII format of OmniPro-IMRT / OmniPro-Advance family
-PTW *.mcc – MCC format of PTW
-SunNuclear *.snctxt - snctxt format of SunNuclear
-IBA *.asc - ASCII format of OmniPro-Accept 6.X family