How can I choose the gain value for myQA Phoenix?
There are two criteria for choosing the gain value.
First is the saturation of the image. If the image is saturated, there will be a notice in myQA, and the gain value should be increased.
The second is the Signal-to-Noise Ratio, a gain value needs to be used for enough counts to guarantee a good signal-to-noise ratio.
Here is an example below:
A tested field.
Intensity-gain chart.
In the blue part, the images cannot be analysed, since they are saturated. Also in the red part the images cannot be analysed because of the low SNR.
It is difficult to give an advice of a specific gain value that should be used, as it depends on many parameters. However, as we can see, 2pF or 4pF can be a very good compromise, so you can start with the 2pF and have some adjustment in the tests, if needed.