I want to create a Compass beam model myself, where should I start?
I want to create a Compass beam model myself, where should I start?
Step 1
Run Beam Commissioning software
The login is the same as Compass.
Step 2
Click Beam Commissioning
Step 3
Under Template machines, select your template according to your linac type. When you cannot find a template that is exactly the same as you have, please choose the template according to the MLC.
Step 4
Right click on the template machine you select, and click Copy. Then you will find this template in the list of Uncommissioned machines
Step 5
Firstly, please review the tabs of General, Geometric, Jaws and MLC.
Step 6
Please click Enter edit mode to enable modification.
Step 7
Click the small arrow on the left of the beam model (machine) to expand the energy list
If you don't need any of the energy, right click on it and click Delete beam quality.
When you want to add a new beam quality, righ click on the beam model (machine), click Add new beam quality...
Step 8
Select the beam quality you'd to start, please change the SSD and absolute calibration.
Click Save button to apply the changes.
Step 9
Click Enter edit mode to again, and click Import dose curves...
Please note that Compass will refuse the depth dose if the SSD of depth dose curves are different from the SSD you input in Step 8, and refuse the profiles if the depth dose curves of corresponding field sizes are missing.
Step 10
Now you have the base data imported and can start beam modelling.