How does a user translate the coordinate system in the myQA Accept application vs the coordinate system in an OmniPro Accept 6.X ASCII File?
When a user saves measured data in myQA Accept as an OmniPro Accept 6.X ASCII File, the coordinates the user sees in the application will be different than what the user examines in the ASCII file in a text editor.
Step 1
In the myQA Accept User Guide, users will see the following picture, which is the coordinate system displayed while scans are being perform in the software.
Step 2
When a user saves scanned data as an OmniPro Accept 6.X ASCII File and opens in it a text editor. The user will see the data with a coordinate system that matches the picture below. Important to note with the above picture, only the inline and crossline are based off IEC-61217. Depth increases as your detector moves into the tank (away from the gantry) and will be reflected as such in the ASCII file.
Step 3
For additional information on the OmniPro-Accept ASCII format. See the technical note attached.