How do I create a new DB for Compass with an existing database?
Here are details steps on how to install SQL instance:
Step 1
Create a new SQL Instance on your SQL Server.
There's SQL 2012 Express installer in Compass CD (SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU).
Step 2
Choose Installation - New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.
Step 3
Wait until the install setup files are loaded.
Step 4
Once it is loaded a pop-up appears. Choose: Perform a new installation of SQL Server 2012
Step 5
Click next - agree the license terms - select the features:
Step 6
Click next - provide a name - click next - under Service Configuration click on Collation and check that Latin1_General_CI_AS is choosen as language. If it is not please set it.
Step 7
Click next - choose Mixed Mode and enter a password for the sa user.
Step 8
Click next - the installation process will start right away. You will be informed as soon as the installation is finished. Now you have created a new SQL Instance with the name you provided in Step 6.
Here's how to connect SQL Instance to Compass
Step 1
Select NT AUTHRITY\SYSTEM in the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio window. In the Login Properties - NT AUTHRITY\SYSTEM window, select public and sysadmin. (This is only necessary for the SQL Server 2012.)
Step 2
Run the Compass_SQLServerSetup.exe as administrator. It can be found in the on the installer CD under Setup\SQLServerSetup.
Step 3
In the pop-up click on Next, enter the name of the SQL Server Instance you created in Step 1.
Click Next and Install.
Step 4
The setup will install the four Compass databases in the SQL Server Instance mentioned above.
Step 5
In order to connect Compass to the new DB please run the Compass_Setup.exe. Click next - Modify-next until you reach the SQL Server Setup page. Choose the SQL Server Instance you have created in Step 1 and click set, then next. The setup will now connect Compass to the new DB created in Step 3.
Step 6
In order to check whether Compass is now connected to the new database go to C:\Program Files\IBADosimetry\COMPASS 2018 and open the file dbConnectionIBA.config in the notepad. Here the connection to the SQL Server Instance and DB is written down.