Crash of MagicMaX software version 2.1.2 (after Windows Update) - What to do?
The root cause for this problem is Windows Update KB5015730 (Windows 10) and KB5015732 (Windows 11) from August 9, 2022.
All devices - temporary solution
A temporary solution is to remove this Windows Update. Attention: After successful removal Windows Update will try to install this update again in the future.
Step 1
Open Windows Settings.
Step 2
Choose Update & Security.
Step 3
Choose View update history.
Step 4
Choose Uninstall Updates.
Step 5
Uninstall "Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5015730)" (Windows 10) or "Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5015732)" (Windows 11) on your own responsibility. Now, version 2.1.2 should work again.
Non-gauged devices - Permanent solution
Step A
Please request the current software version from support and the necessary corresponding firmware version.
Step B
Before you do the new installation, please delete all directories in %LocalAppData%/IBA_Dosimetry_GmbH starting with App.exe_Url_. Normally you will find them in the following directory: C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Local\IBA_Dosimetry_GmbH
Step C
Installation of the newest software version.
Gauged devices - Permanent solution
For older gauged MagicMaX Rad/Flu/Dent devices, we cannot offer a permanent solution right now. Currently we can only off the above described temporary solution.