What's new in myQA Accept (SWP-2023-0001)?
The following improvements are included in myQA Accept (SWP-2023-0001)?
Data Handling
- Correction of the resampling to the start position: On Resampling data and conversion to RTPS Raystation, Coordinates were altered.
In case of non square field sizes the resampling with start position turned diagonals to an - in this case - wrong angle of 45 degree. This has been fixed so that the scans are in correct position. - Fix of the rescale to PDD function: Rescale to PDD not working if the PDD/profiles were extracted from a DICOM Dose Cube. Extracted PDDs store measurement values different than the extracted profiles. From this version on the rescale to PDD function is able to handle this correctly.
- Correction of the perturbation correction for TG25 and TG51 protocols: There was a bug in the perturbation correction factor for TG25 and TG51 Protocol for plane parallel chambers. Now, also in case of parallel plate chambers the perturbation correction is working correctly.
- Fix of the None-selection in Common Settings: Selecting None in Common Settings for Reference led to Chamber Input Mode being Undefined. The default for input mode in Controller panel is now set to input mode of reference chamber of the queue item.
- Correction of the beam on/off detection with step-by-step mode: Beam on/off detection with “step by step” scan regions did not continue. From now on, also for “step by step” scan regions the measurement continues after a beam loss from the correct position.
Data Import
- Correction of the 3D Dose cube import with Eclipse data. The dose cube import was not working correctly in case of different spacing in y and z coordinates data in DICOM files. Multiple opening of bigger DICOM files led to problems that are now fixed.