How can I send in a device to IBA Dosimetry in Schwarzenbruck via a pick-up service?
In order to arrange a pick-up service, please simply contact our service department:
How can I contact the IBA Dosimetry Service and Support team?
The following information is helpful to issue a Return Material Authorization (RMA) form and to arrange the pick-up fast:
- Device name and serial number (if the device has one).
- The address where our delivery partner can pick up this device
- A contact person's name and the contact details (phone number and email address)
If you have any questions or if you need support (e.g. a separate transportation box, or help with the packaging), please simply mention it to the Support Teams:
How can I contact the IBA Dosimetry Service and Support team?
Further information:
How can I send in equipment to IBA for calibration, repair or inspection? How can I request an RMA?